I’m 10 years in business on 21st December, 2020. Pre-Covid, I had anticipated a celebration
of sorts to mark the milestone, but alas that has gone out the window. Reflecting on the
years gone by, I have discovered that the manner in which you run your business directly
affects your personal life, and vice versa. One is not independent of the other. Let me
explain my rationale.
A sick child that keeps her parents up at night will impact on their concentration levels the
next day. If this goes on for a few nights, weeks, or months, the inability to concentrate will
magnify into something bigger – sick days, loss of mojo, cat fights at home, perhaps
something more significant. Small things can become big things if left unchecked.
If we apply the same logic to other areas of your life, we need to understand the wider
impact. Your finances are a constant source of agitation if they are poorly structured and
arranged. We engaged with them on a daily basis, from small transactions of the morning
take-away coffee, to paying down debt, to funding for our lifestyles in the future. The long
finger often gets longer as time goes by, and all you have accumulated in the interim is a
bigger problem, while moving further away from your anticipated goals.
Something missing here.
It’s worth remembering that your degree of anxiety is directly proportional to the friction in
your business. It’s costing you a higher income right now, it’s impacting on your current
lifestyle and denying you a comfortable retirement.
The good news is that you can easily rectify this. By working with me (I’m Bob Quinn), I can
guide you on how to arrange your finances using my proven W.I.S.D.O.M for Wealth
Building methodology.
Schedule your 30 minute Synergy Session with me today.