This blog was first published on February 17, 2018, almost two years to the day. What’s the main difference between now and then? The underlying cause of market volatility, little else.
So, please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened.
I can’t help noting the irony in the fact that this current bout of volatility comes almost exactly ten years after the S&P 500 Index hit what was its highest point before losing more than half its value over the next year and a half during the global financial crisis.
Is there anything gleaned from that experience that I can tell nervous investors?
Two things actually.
One of them is have an investment approach you can stick with, especially during tough times; this will better prepare you for the next crisis and its aftermath. That approach should be a globally diversified investment portfolio.
The second one is stick to that approach, because capital markets have rewarded investors over the long term. The video below goes into a little more detail on this.
To enjoy the benefit of higher potential returns, investors must be willing to accept increased uncertainty. A key part of a good long-term investment experience is being able to stay with your investment philosophy, even during tough times.
If you do not know when to buy, or you’re convinced it’s time to cash out, take a look at the image below. The one certainty is that time rewards the patient investor.
Hey look, the investment markets are having a sale. Maybe it’s time to buy!
As always, if you would like to discuss your investment requirements, please schedule a time in my diary via this link.